Factorised Fear:
Host talking to camera: Who ever wins this match, gets to move on to the next stage. And they'll also win something exclusive!
Host: Today, you guys are gonna eat something shitty, something disgustingly shitty!
Alan: Oh god... Please not worms
Helina: Ahh anything but spiders!
Josh: I wish its bugs! I dare to eat anything alive anyway hahahaha!
Hebe: eww.. you're sick
Host: Cut the shit fucking craps bitches, cause you're wasting my film
EVERYONE: ..........
Host: alrite, are u guys ready?
Host: who's gonna be lucky number one?
Josh: ME! I'll start first so I'll disgust everyone!
Host: alrite, since u said u dare to eat anything alive, here's ur challenge
Host: you're gonna eat...
*opens tray*
Host: =3
Josh: You're fucking sick!
Host: I'm sorry to say you're eliminated from the challenge
Josh: why?!
Host: There's no vulgarities in this show allowed
*Josh got eliminated*
EVERYONE: I don't feel right about this..
Host: Who's going first? Boys? Girls?
Alan: I guess I'll go first...
Host: Alrite, here's ur dish
*opens tray*
Host: hahaha I made them, got any problem?
Alan: ... no
Host: yeah.. those out dated eye balls seriously stinked..
Alan: ...........
Host: Ok, your challenge starts, NOW!
*Alan eats up the nose mucus and pukes(with a few jelly stuffs)*
Alan: ughhhh... I can't believe I did it... I need water...
Host: Here's your water
Alan: Thanks.. hey why is it yellow?
Host: =D That's my piss
Alan: You want me to drink your pi-
Host: Are you backing up?
*Alan drinks the piss*
Alan: Ugh.. Yay...
Host: Ok girls, since you're lovely girls, you guys will be paired
Hebe & Helina: Hooray!
*open trays*
Hebe & Helina: Are those.... hamsters?
Host: Your challenge starts now!
Hebe: I'm not gonna eat that >< *runs away*
Helina: ugh..
*Helina eats them up*
Helina: DONE!
Host: You're impressive.. but you're outta the challenge.
Host: I did say you're paired, your teammate ran away
*Helina cries and ran away*
Alan: Alrite~! I won! What's my award?
Host: Chill bitch, you're getting ur award
Alan: ....
Host: Here's your award
*camera showing a couple of pencils*
Host: They're pencils, not just any pencils, they're second handed used by my little brother Billy
Host: They're very easy to break, so you'll have to be careful
Host: And also you'll have to clean it before you use it, cause my brother uses them for chewing
Host: So, how do you enjoy ur prize?
Alan: ... I finished everything and you gave me these?
Host: Ya don't like it?
Alan: No.. I was expecting something like cars or houses...
Host: lol too bad furfag
Host: Tune in to Factorised Fear every Tuesday on 3pm! For more entertainment ;D