Tag again~
Tagged by ; SKWS
70 Truths
[ Own information ]
1. Real name: Wilson
2. Nickname(s): Gramps, Old, and Sheep
3. Age: 18 this year
4. Horoscope: CANCER OMG
5. Male or female: TRANSSEXUAL
6. Primary sch: Sri Garden
7. Secondary sch: Sri Garden
8. Poly or jc: Wtf is this shit?
9. University: USM
10. Hair colours: Black
11. Long or short hair: Medium~Long?
12. Loud or quiet: Depends
13. Sweats or jeans: Billie Jeans
14. Phone or camera: Telegraph
15. Stay at where: Bolehland
16. Drink or smoke: Nope
17. Have a crush on someone NOW?: *Hamsap face*
18. Eat or drink: Eat and drink
19. Piercings: Eyeballs
20. Tattoos currently: Doraemon
21. Social or anti-social: Social
[ First ]
22. First piercing: When I was 9 years old
23. First relationship: Last 2 year
24. First award: Slap; Shouting like mad at home
25. First best friend: Zheng Nam LOL(Rarely see him now)
26. First kiss: Either my mom or dad. I don't know who first LOL
27. First pet: Bitbit, rabbit. I don't even know it's gender LOL.
28. First big vacation: Thailand
29. First love at first sight: Michael Jackson
30. First hug: Mom? Dad?
[ Currently ]
31. Eating: I don't eat infront of comp
32. Drinking: Nothing now
33. Excitement lvl: Medium. College starting soon
34. About to: Type again soon
35. Listening to: Sex magic - Ciara feat. Justin Timberlake
36. Plan for today: Register college
37. Waiting for: My brain to give answers to this tag
38. Energy lvl: I have like 2 energy left but its ok coz I have this energy hax I downloaded last week lol hax geek
39. Thinking of someone: Mr Khaw
[ Future ]
41. Want to get married?: Faggot question
42. Careers in mind: Boosinessman
43. Lips or eyes?: I still want to keep both thx
44. Romantic or funny?: Joker
45. Protective or caring?: Both? GREEDISGOOD
46. Romantic or spontaneous: GREEDISGOOD
47. Nice stomach or nice arms: GREEDISGOOD
48. Sentitive or loud?: GREEDISGOOD
49. Hook-up or relationship?: Scandal(Lol what a question)
50. Troublemaker or hestitant?: Hero
[ Have you ever.. ]
51. Lost glasses or contacts: I thought I lost it even it was on my hand
52. [ Only for Boys ] Did you drop ur balls?: 3 times, quite annoying though we have to pick it up again ughhh what a personal question
53. Ran away from home: Nope, I wanted though when I was young but I don't know how to operate the gate
54. Held a gun/knife for self-denfence: Yeah, but they require batteries
55. Kill somebody: Killed someone in an online game and then I panicked
56. Broken someone's heart: Yup, sorry.
57. Been arresed: GTA: Vice City, even with cheat. Shit.
58. Cried when someone dead: Duh?
59. Missed someone alotalot NOw: Mr Khaw, principal of Sri Garden to be precise.
[ Do you believe in.. ]
60. Yourself: No hope
61. Love at first sight: <-- Lust at first sight
62. Heaven: Never seen before. Now say that I'm going to hell, asshole
63. Santa claus: LOL DAD WHAT ARE YOU DOING?
64. Tooth fairy: I asked my mom if tooth fairy was real, she told me the truth.
65. Kiss in the first date: Maybe?
66. HELL: Why must this be in caps when heaven is not?
[ Answer Truthfully ]
67. Are you afraid of death: I'm kiasu too. How now?
68. Is there 1 person you wan to be with right now: My grandpa :(
69. Are you seriously happy with where you in life now?: What say are you about talking?
70. Do you believe in God?: The one who created everyshit, maybe?
70 post and 70 truths
& tag 10 ppl:
1. Howard - You were tagged by Sam too
2. Suki - You too
3. Dark Nogisaka - Cause you're cool
And anyone who want to do this tag
Oh yeah, I'm gonna change my blog link soon. I'm turning 18 and my link is still 'littlemekk' wtf
Now for a random picture: