Thursday, September 20, 2007

Joker day

Today is seriously a day where I can't really find my mood. Cept morning =x
During the morning.. Min alskling came and visit me x3 <3 was suppose to be absent from school today. Some reason lah, but I was seriously very happy that time xD

Morning first 2 lesson was ICT.. after that is maths, well as usual, I have no freaking idea what's the teacher talking about(even if I try to concentrate). Only sometimes I get what he mean.

Break time!.. Oh yeah, the position of the cashier in the canteen HAS FINALLY CHANGED(to evade conners). But the food's fucked up anyway, and expensive. So I have no idea if this is a good news or what.

Before - We can just take the food and run away without paying(con!) There's only 1 cashier and sometimes the line is very long.

After- - Harder to con

Break time over! Back to study..
English was right after break, I was suppose to be doing my oral test infront of class today, suddenly teacher said tomorrow o.O Is that a good news? It doesn't really relief me, because I really want it to be over =\ Less worries or something. Haha

After english is Commerce. Funny teacher told us some business things, bla bla bla... Explained how bumiputra works. He even told us... He was eating with his friend, which is a muslim. He was eating pork O_O Nah he didn't mind anyway, they understand each other, and open minded =p How I wish there's more people like them. Teacher was talking til he took his friend's time, who is also a teacher, BM teacher.

Lunch time! Like usual.. Just hanging around doing/talking about random stuffs.
After lunch's History, subject's BORING, teacher's FUNNY = ???
After History's....
Information Technology OMG!
Subject = Nice
Teacher = Joker, who is also quite blur

The teacher was giving us alot of shit to do..
Til alot of us got confused and stuff

Omg.. Made me miss my bus! Brother's busy, mom's busy, can't fetch me. Only taxi's the way back.
Called the taxi.. Rude service, even my friends who call each other fucked up names are better than their service. Fine, they say a taxi is on their way after 5mins on hold call. Even if they're busy, they don't have to be so rude I guess =\ Like DiGi, Maxis etc, their service is good =) Fucking lame service.. Taxi wasn't here after 10mins, got bored and take another taxi. Shit.. Was holding a drink, and the taxi driver turns out to be a muslim!(fasting month) Didn't drink a thing for the whole ride =x
The taxi company called me...
(Original conversation in cantonese)
Her: Taxi reach liao
Me: Hah?
Her: Taxi reach liao
Me: I thought I'm already in the taxi?
Her: No, taxi just reached
Me: But I'm in a taxi already
Her: I think you got into the wrong taxi!
Me: I thought this was the taxi
Her: What's the taxi's plate number?
Me: xx xx
Her: Wrong taxi! What's the company of the taxi you're on?
Me: No idea
Her: How can you get into the wrong taxi!
Me: How would I know (Said 'fuak you b1tch' softly)
Her: *Alien words*
Me: ??
Her: ..
Me: Huh? (act stupid)
*Hung up*

Their service is full with AIDS man!


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