Year end! The last day of school! Which means the last day of this year I get to see her? TT... Might be

I'm just a simple blogger. Who just take picture however it is.
But.. Suki..

He's dying for good angles xD
He wants it PERFECT
I think year end is where everyone gets HIGH.
Our class didn't have any party or something. So there's no food.

But it doesn't mean that we don't have live band!
When everyone gets high, all we can think is fun. Wait.. This is normal for Arts Stream form4 =x

You just grab anything you can and...


Hearts uses TELEPORT!
Hearts was defeated by Edwyn. Dumb fuckingly
So Hearts retired and try to become a successful gambler

Then he lost all of his money.
Then he give it another try..
Being a pirated VCD seller!

Come buy wei! Super good cheap offer leh! $3 per CD leh! Lengzai and lenglui come buy come buy~

Then got tahan(caught) by police
Okok back to school.
This is our President of Sekolah Sri Garden(Sri Garden School) for 2008.

Are we doomed?
NAH. He's just too free anyway.

Then there's arm wrestle challenge.
2 Malaysian VS 1 Korean.
Winner = Korean
Now that's strong xD
I don't really know how to end this post..
So I'll just randomly post pictures.
This is Han Sin, my 'son'

He's the breakdancer in The Chess
He's cool.
He made his father(me) proud!
Yet so...
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