89750 words
Can anyone win me?
Nah this is the real one
87 words
Monday, March 31, 2008
Saturday, March 29, 2008
Tagged by XiiaOsSaMm
1) What else do you have in your wallet besides money?
a] Plastic
b] Silk
c] Pockets
2) What's in your bag?
a] Lipstick
b] Nail highlighter
c] Car keys
d] House keys
e] Purse
f] Mirror
g] Phone
h] Eyebrow colour pencil or something
3) Who else do you wanna spam(bore)?
ANYONE who wants to take this test

Tags.. Were they meant for blogs? =x
a] Plastic
b] Silk
c] Pockets
2) What's in your bag?
a] Lipstick
b] Nail highlighter
c] Car keys
d] House keys
e] Purse
f] Mirror
g] Phone
h] Eyebrow colour pencil or something
3) Who else do you wanna spam(bore)?
ANYONE who wants to take this test

Tags.. Were they meant for blogs? =x
Friday, March 28, 2008
3 lesson straight in library
Wow. Something really rare happened to me today. After breaktime, 3 lesson straight til school ends all in library.
Firstly, after break we have ICT. We're suppose to do ICT project, so our ICT teacher took us to the Library. Which is fuckingly useless because we can just rip off something related to ICT in PC magazine instead of searching around in those used old newspaper in library. So I just pretend to study by simply taking a book.
I chosen this book

Guess what I found

And of course something which looks similar to Michael Jackson

Somehow haha
Somehow I wonder why Sean(sean219.blogspot.com) read this book..

"My Computer Dictionary"
Then he hand it to me.
After ICT is english, teacher brought us to library.
Teacher want us to at least borrow one book before we leave the library.
So.. My choice was

Someone who is also interested in my choice
But then I can't, I don't think the book is for lend. So I just simple went to a shelf and simply choose a book. Took the book to the counter, and they said I can't lend this. Its under 'Teacher's Reference'. Not for student.

"First Words"
Fuck la, I even found this under teacher's reference. Teacher want to borrow this to show to his/her students? Why not just bring his/her student to the library
Third lesson is maths. We met our maths teacher in library during english lesson, so he decided to stay in library too, since he got work to do. So obviously we didn't do anything. Nothing interesting on maths I guess.
So, after school I accompany ♥min alskling♥ and my friends to Choir audition/practice at the kindergarden music room. While waiting, suki asked me to check out the lyric for 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' which is the song for Chinese New Year. Well..

This Gong Xi Fa Cai.. Is done by a ah beng disco DJ remix. In this song it contains English, Bahasa Malaysia(Malaysia Language) and Mandarin

If you pronounce in another way, its like
"Mei diao da jie" which means "Little sister fuck elder sister"
I find the lyrics there quite interesting, Howard found this too


Firstly, after break we have ICT. We're suppose to do ICT project, so our ICT teacher took us to the Library. Which is fuckingly useless because we can just rip off something related to ICT in PC magazine instead of searching around in those used old newspaper in library. So I just pretend to study by simply taking a book.
I chosen this book

Guess what I found

And of course something which looks similar to Michael Jackson

Somehow haha
Somehow I wonder why Sean(sean219.blogspot.com) read this book..

"My Computer Dictionary"
Then he hand it to me.
After ICT is english, teacher brought us to library.
Teacher want us to at least borrow one book before we leave the library.
So.. My choice was

Someone who is also interested in my choice
But then I can't, I don't think the book is for lend. So I just simple went to a shelf and simply choose a book. Took the book to the counter, and they said I can't lend this. Its under 'Teacher's Reference'. Not for student.

"First Words"
Fuck la, I even found this under teacher's reference. Teacher want to borrow this to show to his/her students? Why not just bring his/her student to the library
Third lesson is maths. We met our maths teacher in library during english lesson, so he decided to stay in library too, since he got work to do. So obviously we didn't do anything. Nothing interesting on maths I guess.
So, after school I accompany ♥min alskling♥ and my friends to Choir audition/practice at the kindergarden music room. While waiting, suki asked me to check out the lyric for 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' which is the song for Chinese New Year. Well..

This Gong Xi Fa Cai.. Is done by a ah beng disco DJ remix. In this song it contains English, Bahasa Malaysia(Malaysia Language) and Mandarin
If you pronounce in another way, its like
"Mei diao da jie" which means "Little sister fuck elder sister"
I find the lyrics there quite interesting, Howard found this too

Thursday, March 27, 2008
Introducing Streamyx
Introducing, Malaysia's broadband, Streamyx!

Yes I know, I've talked alot of times about Streamyx in this blog, but now I decided to give a positive comment on Streamyx!(See la how good I am)

Why streamyx? That is a good question.
I mean check this out, there's no place in the world you can find connection speed as godly as this!

There's even a unbeatable value for moderate internet users!

See, I wasn't lying wasn't I?
I mean, comon! Its not bad seriously. Fine, if you don't believe me, check out what gamers using Streamyx have to say

Let us all thank streamyx for giving us satisfaction!

Yes I know, I've talked alot of times about Streamyx in this blog, but now I decided to give a positive comment on Streamyx!(See la how good I am)

Why streamyx? That is a good question.
I mean check this out, there's no place in the world you can find connection speed as godly as this!

There's even a unbeatable value for moderate internet users!

See, I wasn't lying wasn't I?
I mean, comon! Its not bad seriously. Fine, if you don't believe me, check out what gamers using Streamyx have to say

Let us all thank streamyx for giving us satisfaction!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Unexpected things 2
Look at this awesome teacher.
First scold he fuck out of me when I ask something nicely, even though I'm not asking him, I was just asking something related to the assesment with my friend. He also claim "There is nothing wrong for what I've marked"
Check this out

Fucking shit. This dude even draw out a very wide and NOTICEABLE blank space which is not sure what to put, yet. FULL MARK. 5/5 for that question.

Even though I've cooled down. I still don't like that teacher now. Yet that teacher is kinda... weird. Kept touching students. Today in class he ask me to answer something. I answered correctly and he just touch my back "Ok good boy" I WAS LIKE WTF? Why is he touching everyone he see. What next?

Now for something off topic. Here's the picture you want, Suki
(He didn't notice the hands behind him when I was taking his picture)
Well you said its ok, I even showed it to you. I wonder if you noticed that xD
First scold he fuck out of me when I ask something nicely, even though I'm not asking him, I was just asking something related to the assesment with my friend. He also claim "There is nothing wrong for what I've marked"
Check this out
Fucking shit. This dude even draw out a very wide and NOTICEABLE blank space which is not sure what to put, yet. FULL MARK. 5/5 for that question.

Even though I've cooled down. I still don't like that teacher now. Yet that teacher is kinda... weird. Kept touching students. Today in class he ask me to answer something. I answered correctly and he just touch my back "Ok good boy" I WAS LIKE WTF? Why is he touching everyone he see. What next?

Michael Jackson's glove
Now for something off topic. Here's the picture you want, Suki
(He didn't notice the hands behind him when I was taking his picture)
Well you said its ok, I even showed it to you. I wonder if you noticed that xD

Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Monday, March 24, 2008
Inactive blog, inactive person

I know my blog isn't really popular or something. Even the chatbox is kinda dead.
What happens when a blogger checks his blog, looking at his inactive blog and trying to think something to post when he's old?
Desperately grabs a random pic in a retarded folder

Anyone seen this before? A friend of mine showed us and find I find it funny
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Team Fortress 2
This is my first game where I find very interesting. My interest towards this game started when I heard there's a character called "Spy"
The spy:
-Butterfly knife
-Disguise kit
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
There's a video of the game teaching us how to play the Spy.
Here it is
I really like the game. I've never get so addicted into a game before. Here are just some few screenshots when I'm playing Team Fortress 2.

Killed a red spy and it dropped beside an ally dead spy

Killed by a red demoman and he meet up with an ally demoman. DIEE

Got killed by Prince of Penis(Penis Prince) omg! Weird names around TF2 server

Sometimes a random screenshot can bring misunderstanding. Look where is my medigun(Healing gun) healing at. Another weird name. Selr-|XsT| + Mekk(me) (Demo sticky gun[kill]) The Nipple Ripper

Came out from the spawn point and saw my teammate died awkwardly.

Engineer popping in game doing Arm Wave! Nah he's just dead like that.

Sometimes, the game can get into lovely death positions. GAY lovely death positions

Even TF2 characters are shy to take pictures

And of course, more ugly deaths
Something even better than the below one I describe about the game:
What I think about each classes. For those with ? means I'm not sure the correct name, instead I replaced it with a similar type. NUMBER/NUMBER = Current ammo/Backup ammo
125 HP. Fastest movement speed among all characters. Can do double jump
[Scatter Gun]
-Mainly used to kill
-The closer used to shoot enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Just something like shotgun, except stronger?
-?/?(Rarely used -_-)
-Better than the scatter gun in ranged
-Deals low damage
-Shoots faster as you click faster
[Baseball bat]
-Melee weapon
-Fastest melee weapon
-Not much damage but still ok
-(Not sure whether baseball bat damage lower or spy butterfly knife's front stab)
200 HP. Second slowest movement speed among all character. Able to do rocket jump with rocket launcher(Search in youtube "Team Fortress 2 Rocket Jump" for more info).
[Rocket launcher?]
-4/16. Used to be 4/32!!! Or around that. Can spam rocket last time.
-Mainly used to kill
-Deals high damage when a rocket launched on your feet. Heard others say a rocket to your enemy's face brings instant death
-Critical rocket brings DEADLY damage
-Deals AoE(Area of Effect) damage when hit on surface(Walls, floor etc)
-The closer you use this at your enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Melee weapon
175 HP. Heard its the best close-ranged combat character. Ambush type of character. Normal movement speed. Can't really hear what he's saying sometimes xD Pyro is masked.
-200 flames..? Don't know how to explain =X
-The closer you use this at your enemy, the more damage
-Continues burning after using the flamethrower at any character except other pyro. Even though it doesn't continue burning on other pyro, it does damage them. Fire after burn can be extinguished if burned unit contacts with water
-Best weapon to detect spy even when cloaked. Spies still get burn even the spy is cloaked or disguised
-Scares the hell out of enemy. You get the point
-Mainly used to kill
-Only ranged weapon for Pyro
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Melee weapon
175 HP. Third slowest movement speed among all classes, though just slightly slower than normal. Can do sticky jump(Search in youtube "Team Fortress 2 Sticky jump" for more info). One of my fav offensive class =D Even though its stated defensive, still can be used for offensive.
[Grenade launcher?]
-1~2 grenade can bring death
-Hard to aim
-Depends on arc
-Instantly explodes when contact with enemy unit before it hits ground
-Explodes after 3 second(?) launching
[Sticky gun?]
-Can be used defensively or offensively
-Mainly used to kill
-Critical sticky bomb deals DEADLY damage
-Depends on arc
-Can charge to shoot further range by holding mouse1
-Melee weapon
300 HP. This will be the SLOWEST MOTHERFUCKER among all character(I dislike this character because of his speed). Highest HP among all character. Talks... Dumbly? Big size
-200 bullet
-Super strong at close range, sucks dick at long range
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Heard it is one of the highest chance for critical damage
125 HP. Builds stuff. Normal movement speed.
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Better damage in range than the shotgun
-Repair things
-Faster building speed when wrench hitting constructing building
-Upgrades Sentry Gun by hitting it
-Removes sapper(from spy)
-Can be used to kill. Depends on personal desire
Enable engineer to build:-
-Sentry Gun
-The main thing for engineer to get kills
-Detects and kill enemies automatically
-Can not be moved when building spot is placed
-Weak at level 1 sentry
-Normal at level 2 sentry
-Strong at level 3 sentry
-Requires metal to build and upgrade
-Supplies ammo
-Heals ally slowly
-Supplies metal for engineer
-Helps ally alot
-Teleporter entrance
-Teleporter exit
Allows engineer to demolish(destroy) built buildings(Only can demolish own buildings)
150 HP. Slightly faster movement speed compare to normal movement speed. Most wanted character.
[Needle gun?]
-?/? Forgot =X
-Shoots needles at fast speed
-Strong in short range. Sucks at long range
-Have the effect of pushback(?) if I'm not mistaken
-Heals ally
-Extends ally HP up to 150% if I'm not mistaken
-Enables medic to trigger UberCharge when ubercharge bar is full. UberCharge turns player(medic) and the target(unit which is being healed/used on) invulnerable for fully 10 second. But pushback from sentry guns or anything still apply
-Can not damage unit
-Heard Bonesaw is one of the highest chance of getting critical damage
-Quite strong
125 HP? One of the most annoying character to me. Normal movement speed.
[Sniper rifle?]
-25 bullets
-Strong in any range
-Rifle damage gets stronger when its being charged. By getting it charge, just simply snipe and wait til the bar goes 100%
-Deals critical damage when shot on head. Brings instant death to certain classes
-Critical damage deals DEADLY damage
-Mainly used to kill
[Mini machine gun?]
-?/? FORGOT!
-Deals quite low damage?
-The closer the stronger
-Melee weapon
125 HP. Sneaky type of character, my favourite. Spy can cloak, but not forever, there's limit. Cloak can be recharged by deactivating cloak. 2 second is needed to be fully cloaked or fully uncloak.
-Something like handgun, except its much stronger
-Only range weapon for spy
-Quite strong
-Deals great damage when critical
-Disable buildings(Sentry gun, Dispenser, Teleporter Entrace/Exit)
-Sapper can be removed when engineer hit twice on sapped building by using wrench
-Disguise will not break when applying sapper
[Butterfly Knife]
-Very weak damage when stabbing unit on the front
-Instant death(comfirmed) when stabbing unit from behind or side with 1 stab
[Disguise kit]
-Allows spy to disguise as any enemy or friendly unit
-Takes up 2 second to completely disguise
-Disguise will not break when applying sapper
-Even though you're disguised as enemy unit, you still can be damaged or burnt(by pyro)
-Enemy can't pass through each other while allies can. Even though spies are disguised as enemy unit, but spies won't be able to pass through enemies

Thanks for reading! =x
The spy:
-Butterfly knife
-Disguise kit
(Correct me if I'm wrong)
There's a video of the game teaching us how to play the Spy.
Here it is
I really like the game. I've never get so addicted into a game before. Here are just some few screenshots when I'm playing Team Fortress 2.

Killed a red spy and it dropped beside an ally dead spy

Killed by a red demoman and he meet up with an ally demoman. DIEE

Got killed by Prince of Penis(Penis Prince) omg! Weird names around TF2 server

Sometimes a random screenshot can bring misunderstanding. Look where is my medigun(Healing gun) healing at. Another weird name. Selr-|XsT| + Mekk(me) (Demo sticky gun[kill]) The Nipple Ripper

Came out from the spawn point and saw my teammate died awkwardly.

Engineer popping in game doing Arm Wave! Nah he's just dead like that.

Sometimes, the game can get into lovely death positions. GAY lovely death positions

Even TF2 characters are shy to take pictures

And of course, more ugly deaths
Something even better than the below one I describe about the game:
What I think about each classes. For those with ? means I'm not sure the correct name, instead I replaced it with a similar type. NUMBER/NUMBER = Current ammo/Backup ammo
125 HP. Fastest movement speed among all characters. Can do double jump
[Scatter Gun]
-Mainly used to kill
-The closer used to shoot enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Just something like shotgun, except stronger?
-?/?(Rarely used -_-)
-Better than the scatter gun in ranged
-Deals low damage
-Shoots faster as you click faster
[Baseball bat]
-Melee weapon
-Fastest melee weapon
-Not much damage but still ok
-(Not sure whether baseball bat damage lower or spy butterfly knife's front stab)
200 HP. Second slowest movement speed among all character. Able to do rocket jump with rocket launcher(Search in youtube "Team Fortress 2 Rocket Jump" for more info).
[Rocket launcher?]
-4/16. Used to be 4/32!!! Or around that. Can spam rocket last time.
-Mainly used to kill
-Deals high damage when a rocket launched on your feet. Heard others say a rocket to your enemy's face brings instant death
-Critical rocket brings DEADLY damage
-Deals AoE(Area of Effect) damage when hit on surface(Walls, floor etc)
-The closer you use this at your enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Melee weapon
175 HP. Heard its the best close-ranged combat character. Ambush type of character. Normal movement speed. Can't really hear what he's saying sometimes xD Pyro is masked.
-200 flames..? Don't know how to explain =X
-The closer you use this at your enemy, the more damage
-Continues burning after using the flamethrower at any character except other pyro. Even though it doesn't continue burning on other pyro, it does damage them. Fire after burn can be extinguished if burned unit contacts with water
-Best weapon to detect spy even when cloaked. Spies still get burn even the spy is cloaked or disguised
-Scares the hell out of enemy. You get the point
-Mainly used to kill
-Only ranged weapon for Pyro
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Melee weapon
175 HP. Third slowest movement speed among all classes, though just slightly slower than normal. Can do sticky jump(Search in youtube "Team Fortress 2 Sticky jump" for more info). One of my fav offensive class =D Even though its stated defensive, still can be used for offensive.
[Grenade launcher?]
-1~2 grenade can bring death
-Hard to aim
-Depends on arc
-Instantly explodes when contact with enemy unit before it hits ground
-Explodes after 3 second(?) launching
[Sticky gun?]
-Can be used defensively or offensively
-Mainly used to kill
-Critical sticky bomb deals DEADLY damage
-Depends on arc
-Can charge to shoot further range by holding mouse1
-Melee weapon
300 HP. This will be the SLOWEST MOTHERFUCKER among all character(I dislike this character because of his speed). Highest HP among all character. Talks... Dumbly? Big size
-200 bullet
-Super strong at close range, sucks dick at long range
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Heard it is one of the highest chance for critical damage
125 HP. Builds stuff. Normal movement speed.
-The closer you use this at enemy, the more damage. Sucks at ranged
-Better damage in range than the shotgun
-Repair things
-Faster building speed when wrench hitting constructing building
-Upgrades Sentry Gun by hitting it
-Removes sapper(from spy)
-Can be used to kill. Depends on personal desire
Enable engineer to build:-
-Sentry Gun
-The main thing for engineer to get kills
-Detects and kill enemies automatically
-Can not be moved when building spot is placed
-Weak at level 1 sentry
-Normal at level 2 sentry
-Strong at level 3 sentry
-Requires metal to build and upgrade
-Supplies ammo
-Heals ally slowly
-Supplies metal for engineer
-Helps ally alot
-Teleporter entrance
-Teleporter exit
Allows engineer to demolish(destroy) built buildings(Only can demolish own buildings)
150 HP. Slightly faster movement speed compare to normal movement speed. Most wanted character.
[Needle gun?]
-?/? Forgot =X
-Shoots needles at fast speed
-Strong in short range. Sucks at long range
-Have the effect of pushback(?) if I'm not mistaken
-Heals ally
-Extends ally HP up to 150% if I'm not mistaken
-Enables medic to trigger UberCharge when ubercharge bar is full. UberCharge turns player(medic) and the target(unit which is being healed/used on) invulnerable for fully 10 second. But pushback from sentry guns or anything still apply
-Can not damage unit
-Heard Bonesaw is one of the highest chance of getting critical damage
-Quite strong
125 HP? One of the most annoying character to me. Normal movement speed.
[Sniper rifle?]
-25 bullets
-Strong in any range
-Rifle damage gets stronger when its being charged. By getting it charge, just simply snipe and wait til the bar goes 100%
-Deals critical damage when shot on head. Brings instant death to certain classes
-Critical damage deals DEADLY damage
-Mainly used to kill
[Mini machine gun?]
-?/? FORGOT!
-Deals quite low damage?
-The closer the stronger
-Melee weapon
125 HP. Sneaky type of character, my favourite. Spy can cloak, but not forever, there's limit. Cloak can be recharged by deactivating cloak. 2 second is needed to be fully cloaked or fully uncloak.
-Something like handgun, except its much stronger
-Only range weapon for spy
-Quite strong
-Deals great damage when critical
-Disable buildings(Sentry gun, Dispenser, Teleporter Entrace/Exit)
-Sapper can be removed when engineer hit twice on sapped building by using wrench
-Disguise will not break when applying sapper
[Butterfly Knife]
-Very weak damage when stabbing unit on the front
-Instant death(comfirmed) when stabbing unit from behind or side with 1 stab
[Disguise kit]
-Allows spy to disguise as any enemy or friendly unit
-Takes up 2 second to completely disguise
-Disguise will not break when applying sapper
-Even though you're disguised as enemy unit, you still can be damaged or burnt(by pyro)
-Enemy can't pass through each other while allies can. Even though spies are disguised as enemy unit, but spies won't be able to pass through enemies

Thanks for reading! =x
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