Firstly, after break we have ICT. We're suppose to do ICT project, so our ICT teacher took us to the Library. Which is fuckingly useless because we can just rip off something related to ICT in PC magazine instead of searching around in those used old newspaper in library. So I just pretend to study by simply taking a book.
I chosen this book

Guess what I found

And of course something which looks similar to Michael Jackson

Somehow haha
Somehow I wonder why Sean( read this book..

"My Computer Dictionary"
Then he hand it to me.
After ICT is english, teacher brought us to library.
Teacher want us to at least borrow one book before we leave the library.
So.. My choice was

Someone who is also interested in my choice
But then I can't, I don't think the book is for lend. So I just simple went to a shelf and simply choose a book. Took the book to the counter, and they said I can't lend this. Its under 'Teacher's Reference'. Not for student.

"First Words"
Fuck la, I even found this under teacher's reference. Teacher want to borrow this to show to his/her students? Why not just bring his/her student to the library
Third lesson is maths. We met our maths teacher in library during english lesson, so he decided to stay in library too, since he got work to do. So obviously we didn't do anything. Nothing interesting on maths I guess.
So, after school I accompany ♥min alskling♥ and my friends to Choir audition/practice at the kindergarden music room. While waiting, suki asked me to check out the lyric for 'Gong Xi Fa Cai' which is the song for Chinese New Year. Well..

This Gong Xi Fa Cai.. Is done by a ah beng disco DJ remix. In this song it contains English, Bahasa Malaysia(Malaysia Language) and Mandarin
If you pronounce in another way, its like
"Mei diao da jie" which means "Little sister fuck elder sister"
I find the lyrics there quite interesting, Howard found this too

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