Seriously, how do you tell if they are lala?
Is goth/punk considered as lala?
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I really want to know. So far the answers I get is
"Lala.. Err.... Someone who over dress"
"Lala people is those people you see in sungai wang"
"Goth/punk wannabe"
lala is not only overdressed, is because they got limited knowledge and trying to grant power or attraction, so they forced to dress up "cheap" dress cuz they cant affort to buy something else, a rich one wouldnt turn out lala , did u noticed that? a rich one wouldnt dress out like what u said goth/whatever it is, lala is like a slot machine, u get point in many lines, they are sensitive, they get offended and happy very easily, their life is just leas colourful, they find things more interesting and more offending, thats why they arent calm enough in some situation that cause the attitude to be called lalaz, from my point of view, if u doesnt want to be lalaz, try accepting everything u got from everyone like a normal employee outside, try smile and say yess to everything, just say yes wouldnt hurt u, and ignore it, im sure no one would call u lala even though how u dress(ofcourse dont overdress like so typical), and be calm, talk in a very good tone, and always smile!!
lalas make emo kids look bad, its realy hurtful to see people copy emo individuality.
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