Firstly, our instructor was late for 10mins++ if I'm not mistaken.

Went in, blab about why are we so sleepy looking, we're suppose to be active bla bla bla and went out to lepak/wonder around
Then he came in, starting to scare us that we're suppose to prepare pencil and papers so we can write notes down(Which is totally bullshit) and said that he will ask questions.
Around 20mins after the instructor shit his pants


I forgot one part, he was like "Cina" this "Cina" that all the time(Cina = Chinese). I don't know what is he talking about and I don't wanna know.
The only hardworking time I remembered was when I write down what shitty stuff he said.
I'll translate it to English
"How do we overtake cars? To make sure we're behind! Because we don't need to overtake if we're infront"
"I respect all of your payments, so I can live and support my grandchildren"
"E is not empty, its kosong" (Kosong = empty/zero)
3 hours passed, we can't do the other 3 hour so we postponed it to another day.
So.. The second day, we went to that place again.
Sign in, and meet our instructors. Guess what, its the same instructor who blab in class. Unlucky me.
Then the instructor took me in the car, and guess where did he take me to

EAT! Wtf.
He told me we have plenty of time, we only need 30mins. Fine then.. I didn't really want to hear him blab again anyway. Just wanna get my license and get out.

After that he took me to pump some petrol

Check his engine

This is the back of his car. You can fine many things there, there's even a hat. Its like he work as a part time night market seller. Or something.
Took me back to the driving course, parked under a shelter and ask me to wait there. Waiting with Suki.
Until the last 1hour, then he started teaching me. At least I get to drive xD
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