Directions :
Once you have been tagged,
you have to write a post with sixteen random things,
habits or goals about you.
At the end,
choose five people to be tagged,
listing their names and why you chose them.
Don't forget to leave a comment
(who u tagged tagged!?, and to read your blog, you can't tag a person who tagged you.)
Fact 1 : Lazyyyyyy person
Fact 2 : Hate liars
Fact 3 : Hate backstabbers
Fact 4 : Pessimist
Fact 5 : I love my hair <3
Fact 6 : Wish to get a new car
Fact 7 : Fuck school cause of haircuts
Fact 8 : Love school cause of friends
Fact 9 : Learning Hokkien :D
Fact 10 : Banana(Chinese who doesn't know mandarin)
Fact 11 : Usually always last minute(Same as the person who tagged me :x)
Fact 12 : Quiet
Fact 13 : Enjoys hanging out with my cousins
Fact 14 : Old(Title explains it)
Fact 15 : Softhearted(Same as the person who tagged me, again :x)
Fact 16 : Only take advices that are meaningful(Duh?)
I tag:
Darren - He's an asshole
Suki - He's mah slut
Jian - He's smart
Howard - I know he got tagged previously :x
PZtheQueen/God - Cause she tagged me something like this before(Do again!)
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