Fuck I was on the way back last two days and I encounter an expected road block. The speed limit was 90km/h and I maintained around there.
Got pulled over.

I just remembered I had extra money in my wallet to buy books and such. Well the picture explains it all :P
The handsome man told me I was speeding at 106km/h, wtf? Maybe my leg cramped and added a little more speed.
Our little "auction":
Me: Ehlo bang(Hey brother)
Handsome man: Pergi mana ni? (Where are you going?)
Me: Balik lah (Going back)
Handsome man: Mana kamu tinggal? (Where do you live?)
Me: Alam Damai, depan sana saje (Alam Damai, just infront of this place)
Handsome man: Tengok laisen (Let's see your driver's license)
Me: *Hands license over* Apa masalah bang? (What seems to be the problem, brother?)
Handsome man: Speeding ni *Shows 106km/h speed under my car number* (You were speeding)
[Cut some shit part where he ask me if I always use this highway(Answered yes btw)]
Me: Bagi chans la bang, pertama kali ni (Give me a chance, brother, its my first time)
Handsome man: Nak settle? (Want to settle?)
Me: Ok lah (Ok)
Handsome man: RM100, saman ni RM300 tau? (RM100, this ticket costs you RM300, do you know that?)
Me: *Shows my wallet* Saya takde duit banyak tu lah, RM20 boleh? (I don't have that much, what about RM20?)
Handsome man: *Giggles* RM20 saje? Saman ni RM300 tau? (RM20 only? This costs you RM300!)
[After some seducing saying that this is my first time getting a ticket and bla bla]
Handsome man: Ah boleh lah (Ah alright)
Me: Wokeh *Places money under driving license and hand it towards him*
Handsome man: Pandu baik lain kali ok? (Drive carefully next time ok?)
Me: Haha wokeh, thank you bang (Haha ok, thanks brother)
No, I don't have bondage feelings towards him


What is your lowest record?
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