Here's a part of their profile whom I went with

"Lin lao hia" - Shawn
Nickname: 1.5 Honda City i-dsi
Age: 18 this year
Species: Ferrari fag
Driving: Before he got his license. Yes I was in his car. Bricks were shat
Driving skills: Racing line. Trusted(Safe)
Disaster: Got fuaked upside down real badly behind on his Ferrari(A moment of silence for respecting the Ferrari please)
Conversation: 90% of our conversation is about cars. No we're not gay
Job on trip: Driving to Malacca and around Malacca

(Sorry I don't have your picture, so I stole it from your blog xD)
"Jauhai" - Darren
Nickname: Almighty 3.0 Cefiro/Cheras Tiger
Age: N/A
Species: Mind-fuaker
Driving: We got our license together. Still we're not gay.. maybe
Driving skills: If you see his face when looking at the back mirror CLEARLY and BIG. Yup that's him. Trusted(Got skills, and not encouraging you to do that more) :(
Disaster: Psycho everyone infront of his car
Conversation: Most probably fuaked up, random and brain-cell killing with his questions
Job on trip: Sleeping beauty

We're driving Shawn's car and its raining quite heavily on the way there

Thank god we have his very elastic wiper
After 1 hour or more of driving

We finally reached Malacca.
The first thing I notice is that Malacca is quite different from KL roads, similiar to Singapore. When we're around Jonkers Street, the road is usually one-way. In KL, the road is pretty messy with alot of intersections and psychoness
I don't know if our luck was bad on that day, but we encounter alot of people there moving without checking if there is any car behind. We almost got into an accident once
So we decided to go for Malacca's Chicken Rice Ball(which is quite famous I think).

Then we laughed at each other's face

Determined Shawn did not give up, and we headed for another Chicken Rice Ball shop

No parking around the shop -1. Now that's a start
Looked through their menu, no Iced Milo -2. That's a big sigh for me

After finding out that there isn't any Iced Milo, the second thing that came into my mind was Iced Lemon

We ordered steam chicken, roasted chicken and bbq pork. Everything was nice until the main thing fuaked everything up. The rice ball. The feeling when eating it is like.. you're eating chicken rice, and some of the rice is sticked together, soft and melty. Except this is the whole fuaking thing. -3 big disappointment

Anyway my favourite is the combination is the stucked-up rice ballz with bbq pork.
After that Darren told us he'll fukken PMS if he never eat any Cendol. I didn't take any pictures of it because I wasn't interested at cendols at all. But for the first time, it tastes so DARN NICE.

We chilled around looking at sceneries. Everything was peaceful until

Darren decided to scream at 20+ people. We took off
We then went for a little shopping

Where else can you find Biscuits that shat cakes?
We then went back. I didn't take pictures though. I wonder why some of you say that cruising in highway is boring. All you have to do is find something to do yourself. Like me, I just target a car and follow them on the same journey :D
1 comment:
Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
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