Aim: Take pictures of us recycling stuffs(Or something like that lah)
Freaking project, we gone sooo far just to take pictures? We went from KL to PJ!
"Ohh great.. Its wasting my 1 day time"
And the best part is, we didn't even prepare anything to recycle! So... Before departure, I bought Chocolate Milk, drank it while moving... Then recycle once we reach there..

Chocolate Milk
Hey guys, guess how much does this cost? RM1.00~RM3.00?
Well check this out

Things that are not allowed in LRT
Take a closer look, no food/drinks, no smoking and no littering. Fine RM500
Ok, this chocolate milk's on auction. RM500! Who wants to buy please contact me.

WOOOO FINALLY REACH! And it was outside A&W!
It was quite annoying holding my RM500 Chocolate Milk to this place(Quite far lehh)
Oh well.. We reached anyway!

The plastic and aluminium bin
ka ni neh! So full arh? Should just take anything inside and taking picture of me recycling, instead bringing my RM500 chocolate milk around! Oh well... At least I didn't bring one whale of recycle stuffs.
Siao.. One of my friends threw exams papers there o.o What? Recycling ma xD Not bad also xDDDD Should have followed~ Nah.. Those old shits, not the one which just came out =p
Until here, the boringness for me ends, when I was told that my friend, Hammy(What? Cute what =p) DROVE HIS CAR HERE ZOMGWTFHAX.. Then a lil excitement xD
After a lil shit taking pictures... We went for A&W!

Blur picture of my A&W meal
Hey guys, guess what I found!
It's ok to be selfish
Some may agree, but some might disagree. I don't know about you guys.
Somehow I wonder if those people seriously place signs for real or for fun

*Washing muh hand*