Since exam is over, not much people came to school. Since most of the time we have nothing to do.

Well we just got bored, its better than teacher teaching, that's WAY boring.
Hearts here was bored to his funeral. Don't worry bro, we'll visit you during ching meng days!
Before break time was kinda boring, nothing to do at all, seriously.
After break we went to IT lab, as usual, playing games, surfing net etc.

After IT, we went to the theatrette. Went there to watch some gay scary movie. Its not really scary, the ghost effects is very bad. It looks like an olden time show to me. I'll give it a 5 out of 5.. For boringness. The only fun part is when people started to insult that show!
My friend got so bored, he did break dance on the chair he's sitting on and he found RM10! Dancing can really bring you money baby!
Forum: http://backalley.uni.cc
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