First I had no idea where is it.. Never really dine there before.
Seriously, the food there is OMG! Its really nice. Its located at Imbi btw!
Howard's auntie fetched us there, and I spotted a camera princess/queen.

When I meant camera girl, I meant CAM WHORE. Its like 1.5seconds per picture, seriously, she's fast! In that 1.5 seconds, she captured her picture, check save/delete. Maximum 3seconds I think.
Then her brother, Hearts follow along to play

Omg the whole car nearly turned into a cam whoring session/camera class.
Even when we reached to Sakura, the cameras were still on!

Hearts and Suki posing

Hey look, their toilet are upgraded, they even have neon lights! No they're not ah bengs.
Somehow alot of things in this place is missing.

Basin with and without tap

Statue with and without instrument.

Suki posing in this picture
Speaking of statues, there's this naked lady in the dining room we were in!

Nah don't worry, this blog doesn't support pornography. (Except for some faggot who is too free and post them on my chat box, ma chou hei arh!)

This place even look luxury! I mean, the door handle is made out of gold?! But I can say its mostly fake. Seriously, in real life it looks more real than this low quality picture.
Sometimes do you ever wonder where all of the donated blood go?

I heard the nasi lemak there is SUPERB. Too bad I never get to try on that day, was too full, the food there is seriously nice!

THEY SERVE GOAT HERE. This piece of meat here is my poor old childhood friend Alan..
Well Alan tasted good anyway.
PS. I made this post in 2 days. Thanks to the slow connection line DiGi supported and thanks to Streamyx for not applying internet in this house(Its because of Raya anyway). No non-muslim worker?
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